Our vocational training

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Searching for a definition of vocational training

In general, when we use the term “training” together with the adjective “vocational”

in a conversation or in a text, we refer to a certain type of training whose

main objective is preparing people for work. Probably, this is the simplest and

most commonly used definition of vocational training.

But if we want to go further and understand what vocational training currently

means to those who provide it and those who receive it, to those who

manage it and those who perform it and, in general, to all those who might be

interested in it, we should answer questions such as:

- Are we talking about training for an employment, as it has been understood

for a significant period of time during the 20th Century, as a labour activity

subject to a contract, wages, and clearly specified conditions, or do we refer

to training for employment interpreted in a broader sense, including not only

wage employment but also non-wage work, independent work, or self-employment?

- Does it refer to a specifically technical preparation that may be necessary to

perform one or many tasks in a job post or trade? Or does it refer to something

broader which seeks to find a better understanding of working environments

and other aspects which are related not only to people’s working

life but also to issues regarding their personal, cultural, and political development?

Regarding the first question, training is in fact oriented to provide qualifications

for wage employment or contract work and also to all sorts of work that can

be found in modern societies.

With reference to the second issue, it is also possible to state that vocational

training should not only train people for all types of work and their modalities

but also for community life in order to understand social and working relations

and to act in a transforming way. Therefore, it could be said that vocational training

means both training for work and training for citizenship.

/ __________                        ________

In that sense, a general and internationally accepted definition states that

vocational training is an activity directed to identifying and developing human capabilities

for a productive and satisfying working life. According to it, those who take part in

vocational training activities should be able to understand and, individually or collectively,

to influence working conditions and the social environment.1

Therefore, it is possible to say that vocational training is simultaneously:

• An educational activity oriented to provide the necessary knowledge and skills

to perform either a particular job post, an occupation, or a professional activity

in the labour market. At the same time, it acts as a supplementary form of

other types of education by training people not only as workers but also as


• An activity connected with the processes of technological transfer, innovation and

development. The transmission of knowledge and skills already implies a type

of technological transfer to workers, and through them, to enterprises. At

the same time, since knowledge is the fundamental basis for the processes of

technological innovation and development, vocational training is a strategic

tool that becomes essential for these processes to take place.

• A labour fact and a key issue within labour relations. Governments, entrepreneurs

and workers are now increasingly interested in it since they are becoming

aware of the importance of its contributions to the distribution of

employment opportunities in general, to the rise in productivity and the

improvement of quality and competitiveness, to the achievement of appropriate

and healthy working conditions as well as the possibility for social

dialogue at various levels.

Vocational training has a pedagogic component, as well as other types of

education, but with a stronger emphasis on technical and technological aspects.

Compared to other forms of education, it shows both a deeper concern about the

links between the contents and methods of such training, and the changes that

take place within the production and labour world.

All in all, it could be said that vocational training:

- Is an educational activity.

- Is oriented to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for an appropriate

professional and labour performance but also to fully exercise the right of

citizenship by workers.

- Has both theoretical and practical components but with a greater influence

of the latter compared to other types of education.

- Has a very strong technological dimension based on the need to go along

with the changes in the productive processes of this field.

1 See Recommendation 150, adopted by the International Labour Conference, 1975.

- Has a clear labour aspect, not only given by its technical contents but also

because it prepares people to get involved in certain labour relations.

The evolution of the concept of vocational training in

international labour standards

The concept of vocational training is dynamic. Its meaning and scope has

varied throughout history and it still keeps changing.

One possible way of considering the evolution of the concept of vocational

training is by analysing the changes that have taken place in the international

standards of the field.

• In 1939, the International Labour Organisation, through its Recommendation

57, established that:

The expression vocational training means any form of training by means of

which technical or trade knowledge can be acquired or developed, whether the

training is given at school or at the place of work.

• An evolution of the concept of vocational training is later confirmed: it is no

longer considered an end in itself; it becomes a means or tool not only oriented

to employment but also to the development of broader abilities and

aptitudes. In 1962, the International Labour Organisation, in its Recommendation

117, expressed that:

Training is not an end in itself, but a means of developing a person’s occupational

capacities, due account being taken of the employment opportunities,

and of enabling him to use his abilities to the greatest advantage of himself and

the community; it should be designed to develop personality, particularly where

young persons are concerned.

• In 1975, the International Labour Conference adopted Recommendation

150, which conveys an even more ambitious concept of vocational training.

While it regards vocational guidance and training as an integral group of actions,

it links them directly to other forms of education. In such sense, vocational training

is not exclusively oriented to the productive and labour aspect but to the

whole social environment:

Recommendation 150 dated 1975: For the purpose of this Recommendation,

the qualification of the terms guidance and training by the term vocational

means that guidance and training are directed to identifying and developing

human capabilities for a productive and satisfying working life and, in


conjunction with the different forms of education, to improve the ability of the

individual to understand and, individually or collectively, to influence working

conditions and the social environment.

• Most recently, a revision of vocational training international standards and

guidance was carried out at the International Labour Conference organised

by the ILO. In its Resolution on Human Resources Development dated June

2000, among other things, the following was expressed:

• People and enterprises benefit from training as well as the economy and

the society in general.

• Training highlights the fundamental values of society: equity, justice,

equality of treatment among men and women, non-discrimination, social

responsibility, and participation.

• Training (together with education) is a component of an economic and

social response to globalisation.

• Training (and education) does not solve by itself the problem of employment

but they contribute to the improvement of employability of

people in the highly changing internal and external markets.

• Vocational training must be integrated and articulated with economic,

employment, and other policies.

• Everyone has a right to education and training.

• Social partners should strengthen social dialogue about training, share

responsibilities when formulating training and education policies and

take actions among them or with governments so that they actually invest

in, plan and implement training.

A current view on vocational training

We have already discussed the most distinctive aspects of vocational training

and the changes that its conceptualisation has suffered throughout the evolution

of international labour standards. We will now analyse the main current

features of vocational training in the different countries of Latin America and the


Vocational training has become a very important factor with the advent of

new ways of organising and managing production and work.

This is so because knowledge has gained an unusual prominence with respect

to other productive factors such as land, capital goods or technology.

Vocational training is an advantageous means to access such knowledge

and spread it.

Vocational training is no longer directed to qualify people for their performance

at a specific job post, it is rather oriented to provide and promote

competencies which may be applicable to a range of labour situations and

occupational areas.

This is also caused by changes in the models of organising work and production

as well as the new labour market reality. It is very unlikely that

active workers and employees remain in the same position or performing

the same tasks. Most frequently, they are required to be capable of moving

along the different phases of the production process and acquiring higher

levels of responsibility, for which they need to put more and newer abilities

into practice. The labour market has become unstable and workers face

changing labour situations throughout their active life: they can be wage

employees, unemployed, independent workers, contract workers and many

other possible combinations in terms of their labour journeys. In order to

successfully “sail” through these changing situations it is not enough to acquire

some skills and knowledge; rather, it is necessary to acquire broader

competencies that could be applied in different contexts and situations.

Vocational training is no longer regarded as a short stage prior to active

life; on the contrary it is part of a life-long process of training together with

other forms of education.

The latest requirements in terms of occupational mobility within productive

and services organisations, as well as in the labour market, are added to

the rapid technological changes. This not only results in the fact that workers

have to be continuously trained in order to face changing labour situations

but also that this permanent updating becomes an unavoidable requirement

if they wish to relate to technological environments that tend to

vary so often.

Nowadays, the responsibility of vocational training is shared among many

actors and is assumed as a challenge for the whole society.

Throughout the history of vocational training, we have found stages in which

it was understood as a State responsibility, other stages in which it was only

considered to be a concern for enterprises and other stages in which the

main responsibility laid on each worker. All these views implied a bias in

the objectives of vocational training, problems with the efficient use of the

available resources and difficulties in the coordination and articulation of

the actions developed. Nowadays, any enterprise wishing to remain competitive

has to invest systematically in the training of its staff; workers always

have to pursue this training and claim it; the States must provide funds

so that the access to training is possible for all workers and all enterprises.

                                As a consequence, vocational training is considered an issue of the labour

relations systems and, therefore, an object of bargaining.

Vocational training has several interests in itself since it is a crucial factor

among competitiveness and productivity strategies of enterprises; a requirement

demanded from workers but also their right to improve their opportunities

to find a job and keep it; an element that has to be fostered and

facilitated by States in order to increase the chances of a successful insertion

of the national economy in the international context. Such interests should

be represented in those instances where decisions are made about how, where

and how much is to be invested in training.

Can vocational training be useful as a tool for organising workers?

As we have seen, vocational training is an instrument that serves simultaneously

to multiple objectives. Some of them are framed within the employer’s

interests while others are more related to the interests of workers. In fact, through

the attainment of objectives such as the increase in productivity and the improvement

of enterprises competitiveness, it may favour scenarios of employment assurance

and possibly of wage or extra wage increase.

From the point of view of the individual worker, it is clear that the access to

higher levels of qualification improve their opportunities to keep their jobs and

improve their working conditions in many aspects. Therefore, workers will always

be interested in improving their qualifications.

The mere consideration of these reasons leads to the conclusion that it is

important for trade unions to get interested in vocational training: it can improve

working conditions and defend workers’ employment and, at the same time, it

echoes a demand made by those who integrate the union and those represented

by it.

The greatest challenge consists in the fact that vocational training should not

be arranged within the enterprise according to a system exclusively articulated

based on the relationship between vocational training and each worker. In such

framework, training is likely to be designed and provided by only taking into

account the employer’s interests since there is no collective organisation that may

exert pressure on and negotiate in favour of workers, thus resulting in workers

competing against each other.

The role of trade unions lies precisely in establishing and defending a concept

and policy of vocational training which does not only serve the purposes of

the enterprise but also the interests and needs of all workers: thus ensuring equal

opportunity in the access to training and negotiating the way in which workers

will benefit from the improvements and profits that enterprises will obtain at the

expense of training.

In spite of the previous considerations, vocational training is a tool to be

used by workers’ organisations at least in the following aspects:

- It fosters further participation of workers in trade unions since these

organisations have started to take notice of certain needs particularly felt by

workers: the access to opportunities to increase their own qualifications and

the improvement of working conditions.

- Vocational training does not only involve the transfer of technical knowledge

but also other aspects concerning the education on values and labour

relations. Therefore, it can also be organised together with trade union training

as it enables to spread the trade union’s point of view and proposals at

the same time that it teaches workers how to get organised.

Finally, collective bargaining on vocational training, led in an appropriate

way, may facilitate the negotiation of other labour issues from a new perspective.

Wages, employment, labour career, productivity, and working conditions, among

other things, can be approached by taking into consideration the global elements

which are related to the management of productive and services organisations,

starting by the negotiation of some training aspects.

To sum up:

- The concept of vocational training and its practical application has changed

throughout history and keeps doing so.

- If we compare it to regular or general education, and in spite of the already

mentioned changes, vocational training still maintains a close link with the

labour world.

- As the labour market, technology and the ways of organising work and production

change, vocational training tends to be updated in theory and in


- Thus, vocational training is not oriented nowadays to training for the performance

of a specific job post; on the contrary, it tries to provide broader abilities

that may allow workers to act in a wide range of working situations:

occupations, occupational clusters and the labour market in general.

- In the past, vocational training consisted of a limited period usually prior to

the active learning life. Nowadays, it has become a continuous process

throughout people’s life. Besides, this strengthens the links between other

forms of education, both formal and informal.

- The role of vocational training within productive processes has become more

significant than ever. Its contribution to the improvement of productivity

and competitiveness is now unquestionable.

- Vocational training is no longer an expert´s belonging. Its potential contribution

to different goals makes it interesting from various points of view.

Nowadays, vocational training is an object of bargaining and, as such, it is

one of the main issues within labour relations.

- Vocational training can become a tool to be used by workers’ organisations,Ngo/Trust

not only due to its own importance but also because it is a way of fostering

negotiation and participation opportunities in other labour issues 

                                                                                                                                         BY NEW INDIRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE__________        


Searching for a definition of vocational training

In general, when we use the term “training” together with the adjective “vocational”

in a conversation or in a text, we refer to a certain type of training whose

main objective is preparing people for work. Probably, this is the simplest and

most commonly used definition of vocational training.

But if we want to go further and understand what vocational training currently

means to those who provide it and those who receive it, to those who

manage it and those who perform it and, in general, to all those who might be

interested in it, we should answer questions such as:

- Are we talking about training for an employment, as it has been understood

for a significant period of time during the 20th Century, as a labour activity

subject to a contract, wages, and clearly specified conditions, or do we refer

to training for employment interpreted in a broader sense, including not only

wage employment but also non-wage work, independent work, or self-employment?

- Does it refer to a specifically technical preparation that may be necessary to

perform one or many tasks in a job post or trade? Or does it refer to something

broader which seeks to find a better understanding of working environments

and other aspects which are related not only to people’s working

life but also to issues regarding their personal, cultural, and political development?

Regarding the first question, training is in fact oriented to provide qualifications

for wage employment or contract work and also to all sorts of work that can

be found in modern societies.

With reference to the second issue, it is also possible to state that vocational

training should not only train people for all types of work and their modalities

but also for community life in order to understand social and working relations

and to act in a transforming way. Therefore, it could be said that vocational training

means both training for work and training for citizenship.

/ __________                        ________

In that sense, a general and internationally accepted definition states that

vocational training is an activity directed to identifying and developing human capabilities

for a productive and satisfying working life. According to it, those who take part in

vocational training activities should be able to understand and, individually or collectively,

to influence working conditions and the social environment.1

Therefore, it is possible to say that vocational training is simultaneously:

• An educational activity oriented to provide the necessary knowledge and skills

to perform either a particular job post, an occupation, or a professional activity

in the labour market. At the same time, it acts as a supplementary form of

other types of education by training people not only as workers but also as


• An activity connected with the processes of technological transfer, innovation and

development. The transmission of knowledge and skills already implies a type

of technological transfer to workers, and through them, to enterprises. At

the same time, since knowledge is the fundamental basis for the processes of

technological innovation and development, vocational training is a strategic

tool that becomes essential for these processes to take place.

• A labour fact and a key issue within labour relations. Governments, entrepreneurs

and workers are now increasingly interested in it since they are becoming

aware of the importance of its contributions to the distribution of

employment opportunities in general, to the rise in productivity and the

improvement of quality and competitiveness, to the achievement of appropriate

and healthy working conditions as well as the possibility for social

dialogue at various levels.

Vocational training has a pedagogic component, as well as other types of

education, but with a stronger emphasis on technical and technological aspects.

Compared to other forms of education, it shows both a deeper concern about the

links between the contents and methods of such training, and the changes that

take place within the production and labour world.

All in all, it could be said that vocational training:

- Is an educational activity.

- Is oriented to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for an appropriate

professional and labour performance but also to fully exercise the right of

citizenship by workers.

- Has both theoretical and practical components but with a greater influence

of the latter compared to other types of education.

- Has a very strong technological dimension based on the need to go along

with the changes in the productive processes of this field.

1 See Recommendation 150, adopted by the International Labour Conference, 1975.

- Has a clear labour aspect, not only given by its technical contents but also

because it prepares people to get involved in certain labour relations.

The evolution of the concept of vocational training in

international labour standards

The concept of vocational training is dynamic. Its meaning and scope has

varied throughout history and it still keeps changing.

One possible way of considering the evolution of the concept of vocational

training is by analysing the changes that have taken place in the international

standards of the field.

• In 1939, the International Labour Organisation, through its Recommendation

57, established that:

The expression vocational training means any form of training by means of

which technical or trade knowledge can be acquired or developed, whether the

training is given at school or at the place of work.

• An evolution of the concept of vocational training is later confirmed: it is no

longer considered an end in itself; it becomes a means or tool not only oriented

to employment but also to the development of broader abilities and

aptitudes. In 1962, the International Labour Organisation, in its Recommendation

117, expressed that:

Training is not an end in itself, but a means of developing a person’s occupational

capacities, due account being taken of the employment opportunities,

and of enabling him to use his abilities to the greatest advantage of himself and

the community; it should be designed to develop personality, particularly where

young persons are concerned.

• In 1975, the International Labour Conference adopted Recommendation

150, which conveys an even more ambitious concept of vocational training.

While it regards vocational guidance and training as an integral group of actions,

it links them directly to other forms of education. In such sense, vocational training

is not exclusively oriented to the productive and labour aspect but to the

whole social environment:

Recommendation 150 dated 1975: For the purpose of this Recommendation,

the qualification of the terms guidance and training by the term vocational

means that guidance and training are directed to identifying and developing

human capabilities for a productive and satisfying working life and, in


conjunction with the different forms of education, to improve the ability of the

individual to understand and, individually or collectively, to influence working

conditions and the social environment.

• Most recently, a revision of vocational training international standards and

guidance was carried out at the International Labour Conference organised

by the ILO. In its Resolution on Human Resources Development dated June

2000, among other things, the following was expressed:

• People and enterprises benefit from training as well as the economy and

the society in general.

• Training highlights the fundamental values of society: equity, justice,

equality of treatment among men and women, non-discrimination, social

responsibility, and participation.

• Training (together with education) is a component of an economic and

social response to globalisation.

• Training (and education) does not solve by itself the problem of employment

but they contribute to the improvement of employability of

people in the highly changing internal and external markets.

• Vocational training must be integrated and articulated with economic,

employment, and other policies.

• Everyone has a right to education and training.

• Social partners should strengthen social dialogue about training, share

responsibilities when formulating training and education policies and

take actions among them or with governments so that they actually invest

in, plan and implement training.

A current view on vocational training

We have already discussed the most distinctive aspects of vocational training

and the changes that its conceptualisation has suffered throughout the evolution

of international labour standards. We will now analyse the main current

features of vocational training in the different countries of Latin America and the


Vocational training has become a very important factor with the advent of

new ways of organising and managing production and work.

This is so because knowledge has gained an unusual prominence with respect

to other productive factors such as land, capital goods or technology.

Vocational training is an advantageous means to access such knowledge

and spread it.

Vocational training is no longer directed to qualify people for their performance

at a specific job post, it is rather oriented to provide and promote

competencies which may be applicable to a range of labour situations and

occupational areas.

This is also caused by changes in the models of organising work and production

as well as the new labour market reality. It is very unlikely that

active workers and employees remain in the same position or performing

the same tasks. Most frequently, they are required to be capable of moving

along the different phases of the production process and acquiring higher

levels of responsibility, for which they need to put more and newer abilities

into practice. The labour market has become unstable and workers face

changing labour situations throughout their active life: they can be wage

employees, unemployed, independent workers, contract workers and many

other possible combinations in terms of their labour journeys. In order to

successfully “sail” through these changing situations it is not enough to acquire

some skills and knowledge; rather, it is necessary to acquire broader

competencies that could be applied in different contexts and situations.

Vocational training is no longer regarded as a short stage prior to active

life; on the contrary it is part of a life-long process of training together with

other forms of education.

The latest requirements in terms of occupational mobility within productive

and services organisations, as well as in the labour market, are added to

the rapid technological changes. This not only results in the fact that workers

have to be continuously trained in order to face changing labour situations

but also that this permanent updating becomes an unavoidable requirement

if they wish to relate to technological environments that tend to

vary so often.

Nowadays, the responsibility of vocational training is shared among many

actors and is assumed as a challenge for the whole society.

Throughout the history of vocational training, we have found stages in which

it was understood as a State responsibility, other stages in which it was only

considered to be a concern for enterprises and other stages in which the

main responsibility laid on each worker. All these views implied a bias in

the objectives of vocational training, problems with the efficient use of the

available resources and difficulties in the coordination and articulation of

the actions developed. Nowadays, any enterprise wishing to remain competitive

has to invest systematically in the training of its staff; workers always

have to pursue this training and claim it; the States must provide funds

so that the access to training is possible for all workers and all enterprises.

                                As a consequence, vocational training is considered an issue of the labour

relations systems and, therefore, an object of bargaining.

Vocational training has several interests in itself since it is a crucial factor

among competitiveness and productivity strategies of enterprises; a requirement

demanded from workers but also their right to improve their opportunities

to find a job and keep it; an element that has to be fostered and

facilitated by States in order to increase the chances of a successful insertion

of the national economy in the international context. Such interests should

be represented in those instances where decisions are made about how, where

and how much is to be invested in training.

Can vocational training be useful as a tool for organising workers?

As we have seen, vocational training is an instrument that serves simultaneously

to multiple objectives. Some of them are framed within the employer’s

interests while others are more related to the interests of workers. In fact, through

the attainment of objectives such as the increase in productivity and the improvement

of enterprises competitiveness, it may favour scenarios of employment assurance

and possibly of wage or extra wage increase.

From the point of view of the individual worker, it is clear that the access to

higher levels of qualification improve their opportunities to keep their jobs and

improve their working conditions in many aspects. Therefore, workers will always

be interested in improving their qualifications.

The mere consideration of these reasons leads to the conclusion that it is

important for trade unions to get interested in vocational training: it can improve

working conditions and defend workers’ employment and, at the same time, it

echoes a demand made by those who integrate the union and those represented

by it.

The greatest challenge consists in the fact that vocational training should not

be arranged within the enterprise according to a system exclusively articulated

based on the relationship between vocational training and each worker. In such

framework, training is likely to be designed and provided by only taking into

account the employer’s interests since there is no collective organisation that may

exert pressure on and negotiate in favour of workers, thus resulting in workers

competing against each other.

The role of trade unions lies precisely in establishing and defending a concept

and policy of vocational training which does not only serve the purposes of

the enterprise but also the interests and needs of all workers: thus ensuring equal

opportunity in the access to training and negotiating the way in which workers

will benefit from the improvements and profits that enterprises will obtain at the

expense of training.

In spite of the previous considerations, vocational training is a tool to be

used by workers’ organisations at least in the following aspects:

- It fosters further participation of workers in trade unions since these

organisations have started to take notice of certain needs particularly felt by

workers: the access to opportunities to increase their own qualifications and

the improvement of working conditions.

- Vocational training does not only involve the transfer of technical knowledge

but also other aspects concerning the education on values and labour

relations. Therefore, it can also be organised together with trade union training

as it enables to spread the trade union’s point of view and proposals at

the same time that it teaches workers how to get organised.

Finally, collective bargaining on vocational training, led in an appropriate

way, may facilitate the negotiation of other labour issues from a new perspective.

Wages, employment, labour career, productivity, and working conditions, among

other things, can be approached by taking into consideration the global elements

which are related to the management of productive and services organisations,

starting by the negotiation of some training aspects.

To sum up:

- The concept of vocational training and its practical application has changed

throughout history and keeps doing so.

- If we compare it to regular or general education, and in spite of the already

mentioned changes, vocational training still maintains a close link with the

labour world.

- As the labour market, technology and the ways of organising work and production

change, vocational training tends to be updated in theory and in


- Thus, vocational training is not oriented nowadays to training for the performance

of a specific job post; on the contrary, it tries to provide broader abilities

that may allow workers to act in a wide range of working situations:

occupations, occupational clusters and the labour market in general.

- In the past, vocational training consisted of a limited period usually prior to

the active learning life. Nowadays, it has become a continuous process

throughout people’s life. Besides, this strengthens the links between other

forms of education, both formal and informal.

- The role of vocational training within productive processes has become more

significant than ever. Its contribution to the improvement of productivity

and competitiveness is now unquestionable.

- Vocational training is no longer an expert´s belonging. Its potential contribution

to different goals makes it interesting from various points of view.

Nowadays, vocational training is an object of bargaining and, as such, it is

one of the main issues within labour relations.

- Vocational training can become a tool to be used by workers’ organisations,Ngo/Trust

not only due to its own importance but also because it is a way of fostering

negotiation and participation opportunities in other labour issues 

                                                                                                                                         BY NEW INDIRA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE